Thursday, June 9, 2011


Get this, I'm wading a heavily vegetated area of the swamp. Bugs were eating me alive. I see a fin stick his head up for air so I ease over that way. After about 10 mins he came by me at a good pace. I lost track of him after that. Then, all of a sudden, he jumps up and bites my leg! Scared the hell out of me. I started yelling. I didn't know what just happened. I look down and he's still there. He didn't just bite my waders and run off. He was trying to pick a fight!

I put my Senko in the water and he hit it instantly. He got away that time. A moment later I look and he's flanking me. He's looking straight at me with his mouth wide open and gills stuck out. I dropped my Senko on him again and this time I landed him.

Soon after I see a black mass moving through the water. It was a wad of baby bowfin. lol, now I get it. I read the males protect the nest but never thought a 3.5 lbs fish would attack a 200lbs 6ft person!

I placed him back on the bed. I'll retire that spot for the year and hopefully next year I'll have a sweet bowfin honey hole. Joe and I found at least 4 nests with bowfin lurking by acting just like this guy. What an awesome fish.

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